1 Meme which I found online:
1 Thing that I learned this week:
Stop overcomplicating life! Life is simple, but we don't always like simple answers. Instead, we seek complex solutions to satisfy our thirst for knowledge. However, the universe is vast and diverse, and we can never understand everything. Instead of trying to know it all, focus on what's necessary for you.
In essence, we don't need an abundance of knowledge. You don't have to watch every video on YouTube, TikTok, or Reels. It's time for us to unlearn and simplify our lives by consuming less and focusing on the essentials. The more information we gather, the more complex things become.
Take a deep breath and relax. When you smile, everything becomes simpler.
Do what's necessary, not everything.
Simplify, consume less,
Let go of the past, laugh at your mistakes, and become an easy-going person.
Enjoy life, my friend.
1 Quote that made me think:
"Think of yourself as a human magnet, constantly attracting what you speak, think and feel." - Unknown
1 Tip:
Delete social media apps from your phone. Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are stealing your time and blocking your progress towards achieving your vision in life. Trust me, these apps are not worth sacrificing your life's purpose. Experience life without these apps for a month and decide for yourself.
Check my youtube video about the same content: Link